Mr. John Sangle is an auto-rickshaw driver and after the day's hectic work he comes and picks me up in his auto. We go through the narrow slums to a house and the Catholic family welcomes us. Mr. John leaves the house and goes on his 'Reminder Ministry' to all the neighboring Christian houses reminding them that its time for SCC Meeting (Small Christian Community). Some people tell me that this morning he had reminded them and now he has gone again to give the second reminder. For the past few years Mr. John is the SCC Animator for the Ganesh Nagar Zone of Sacred Heart Church, Pune. Soon children, youngsters and adults start trickling in.
In a small room the people are seated on the ground mats while around 13 children sit right in front facing the small family altar. We begin with the Rosary which happens to be multi-lingual. After each decade a hymn is sung and at the end the Litany of Our Lady is prayed. The gathering sings loudly in Marathi and all take turns to say the decades of the Rosary. The children are attentive and don't seem to be bothered with the 45 minutes of prayer going on. After the Litany the Scripture is read and I give a short reflection in Marathi. The prayer meeting ends with a concluding prayer and a Marian Hymn. Mr. John thanks me and as he leaves me back in his auto he explains to me about the Pastoral Plan he is going to prepare.
I go for the meetings on alternate Thursdays but Mr. John continues with his SCC animation every Thursday and I can feel the serenity and peace of Christ within myself and those present for the meetings.